September Blog


Who knew this year would be filled with such unprecedented times? 2020 will always be a year I will never forget. Living my entire life in New York City, I never imagined leaving the big apple, let alone appreciating my time in a whole new city. Since day one of class at Tulane, I could not have expected anything less from our Master of Science in Pharmacology program. I love the academic rigor and the curriculum set up for students. The staff and my fellow classmates have been beyond welcoming and kind. 

Although September has been filled with many ups and downs, I have enjoyed participating in the Pen Pal program at Phoenix Assisted Care. I have reached out to two lovely ladies who I thought were adorable. I can understand that through these hard times, many of us out there have lost valuable time away from family and friends. This Pen Pal program meant a lot to me because I have personally worked with the elderly at the hospital. I have seen how it feels to be unwell and lonely through the Covid-19 pandemic which has cut off crucial time people have needed with loved ones.

My first pen pal lady Janet, said she loves dogs! I sent her a letter talking to her about my one year old Shih Tzu. His name is Max! I told her how I adopted him and the persuading process I had to go through in order to convince my family to let me keep him! I hope Janet enjoys my letter! In my next letter I plan on sending some pictures of Max so she can see how photogenic he is! 

My second pen pal lady Gretna, loves chocolate. I wrote to her explaining my obsession not only to eat chocolate but my love for baking chocolate cookies, cakes and cupcakes. I shared my bake sale stories though out high school with her and wanted to know all about her favorite chocolates. 

September Service Hours- 3


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